Seduction Expert Reveals The Secret To Attracting, Seducing & Bedding The Women That You Desire

That Works Even If You're Not Rich, Not Blessed With Good Looks, And Not Naturally Outgoing

Dear Friend,

If you want to develop the powerful ability to easily attract the type of women that you want to date and sleep with, then you'll want to pay close attention to the powerful attraction principles I'm about to reveal to you.

These are some of same powerful attraction principles that I personally use, that my many students that I’ve taught these secrets to successfully use, and that you too can use to:

  • Chat up a girl you’ve never met before on a moment’s notice, and walk away with her number 10 minutes later
  • Sleep with new attractive girls the very day you meet them
  • Have a steady stream of new girls texting you, who are all desperate to sleep with you
  • Get that one, hard to get girl, doing all the work and chasing after you (instead of you chasing after her)
  • Meet the girl of your dreams and fall madly in love with each other

And the men already having success with these principles are mostly just average guys.

So you don’t have to be movie star handsome, filthy rich, or have huge muscles for these principles to work.

Because when it comes to attraction, none of those things really matter all that much.

Sure, being blessed with good looks and having loads of money isn’t going to hurt your chances with women. But there are other factors that play a way more important role in creating attraction.

So whether you’re looking to seduce that dream girl who you think is the one… Or maybe you just want to set up a friends with benefits type situation with multiple girls, so you can have a rotation of girls passing through your bedroom door, all begging for you to bang them… I’m going to show you how you can make those fantasies your reality.

But firstly... Let me quickly tell you a little bit about who I am and why I can help you.

I'm Vince Sutherland, and to be completely honest with you, dating and seduction was never something that came very naturally to me

In fact, several years ago I was completely hopeless when it came to women.

I was a LOSER.

I was too chicken shit and introverted to even approach any girl I found remotely attractive. And when I did manage to pluck up the courage to talk to a hot girl, I’d always end up stuttering my words, or end up having no clue what to say next.

On the rare occasions I actually thought things were going well with a girl and I tried to take things to the next level, they’d always end up telling something like:

“I really like you as a friend, but I just don’t have those kind of feelings for you.”

And I distinctly remember the time a girl gave me this bullshit excuse: “I’m too busy. I’m not really looking to get involved in a serious relationship right now.”

Of course that same girl ended up getting into a relationship with some other guy just a couple weeks later.

And whenever that girl had “guy trouble” or needed emotional support, she’d come to me, “her friend”.

And like the idiot I was, I’d always be there for her – like her own personal emotional tampon – all in the hopes that she’d see what a “good guy” I was, break up with her unappreciative boyfriend, and date me instead. The guy who was always there for her.

But of course, that never happened.

I was 22 years old at the time and I hadn’t so much as made out with a girl, let alone had sex with one.

I felt pathetic.

I knew something had to change.

And that was when something in my mind just snapped. I decided right then and there that I was going to do whatever it took to become great at attracting and seducing women.

Over the next 5 years of my life I set to work spending every minute of my spare time reading every book and article about seduction, attraction and dating that I could get my hands on. I started learning whatever I could from older guys who could seemingly effortlessly attract all the hot girls they desired. And I started testing my new found knowledge out on near enough every girl I came into contact with.

A lot of the information I found on attracting girls either flat out didn’t work, or was at least 10 years out of date.

But through a truck-load of trial and error, I slowly started to figure out exactly what did work

One of the many things I found was that a large part of my lack of success with girls was due to neediness.

Now like most guys I had no idea I was acting needy at the time. But if you’re a guy, and you haven’t had sex in over a month, chances are you are going to be guilty of at least few needy behaviours.

And nothing kills sexual attraction faster – and makes a girl’s pussy dryer – than acting needy.

Here’s just a few needy tells to look out for in your own behaviour.

  • Always making yourself available to hang out with that cute girl you like
  • Constantly checking your phone when waiting on a reply from a girl
  • Getting emotional when a girl rejects you
  • Apologizing all the time, for little things that don’t even warrant an apology
  • Putting a girl’s emotions and desires before yourself, in the hopes that she’ll appreciate and reward you for it

Thankfully I discovered the one simple, but effective, mindset shift that I used, and you can also use, to immediately rid yourself of all and any needy behaviours for good.

Once you apply this mindset shift, along with the other 5 key principles of attraction I discovered, girls just can’t help but feel attracted to you.

You’ll probably find that they’ll even start approaching you, doing a lot of the hard work for you.

After those 5 long years of trial and error, countless lays, multiple girlfriends, (and of course, my fair share of failures), I was a brand new man

It got to the point where friends, and sometimes guys I barely even knew, were coming up to me and asking me “How come you’re suddenly so great at attracting women?” They all wanted to know what my secret was, and if I could teach it to them.

And I had a slew of options when it came to dating girls.

If things weren’t working out with a girl I was seeing… Or if I was just starting to get bored of her… It was no big deal. I could just break up with her and have a brand new gorgeous girl laying naked next to me in my bed that very night.

Now, I’m not telling you all this just to brag.

I’m telling you this because I want you to know that no matter how bad with girls you are right now... If a shy pathetic loser like I used to be can completely turn it around… then there’s no reason you can’t either.

And you won’t even have to struggle through the 5 year grind of constant trial and error, just to find out what actually works, that I had to go through in order to do so.

Because I want to give you the opportunity to shortcut that entire process by basically downloading my brain – and all my knowledge of what works with girls – into your head, so you can start using that knowledge for yourself today.

If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, then you will want to stick around to hear about my ultimate solution.

I’ve taken all my knowledge of what works with girls and systematized it into a simple and easy to understand step-by-step process that you can start using today

It’s called the Get Her In Bed program, because that’s exactly what it does.

And unlike most of the conventional dating advice programs from men, this program doesn’t involve any complicated 69 step processes, and it won’t have you memorizing hundreds cheesy pickup lines that simply don’t work.

Instead the Get Her In Bed program takes a principle based approach and walks you through all the stages of a seduction, from developing the right mindset to attract women, to creating that initial attraction with a girl, right through to getting that girl into your bed.

Quite frankly, this is the program I wish I could have had when I was younger. However, there wasn’t any program quite like Get Her In Bed back then. And to this day, there’s no other program quite like it, which is getting guys such great results.

If I had access to this program when I was starting out, it would have saved me from countless of embarrassing and uncomfortable moments where I messed up with girls, years of trying to figure out where I was going wrong, and thousands of dollars wasted on dates that went nowhere.

And this is a program that’s been thoroughly field tested by hundreds of guys already.

Here’s what some of the guys already using the program are saying...

Tony wrote in an email:

Since going through your program my life has improved dramatically. My self esteem has improved and Im currently seeing a girl who I would have previously thought was way out of my league

Get Her In Bed Member

And Dominic says:

I started using your program a month ago and have already been on a few dates. Two of which ended in sex! Your stuff really works.

Get Her In Bed Member

And the reasons these guys are getting such great results is all because this program is completely based around solid principles of how attraction actually develops in the female brain.

You see, the way sexual attraction develops in the female brain is very different to how it develops in your mind… in my mind… and the minds of practically every other guy on the planet.

For us guys… we’re very visually orientated. That instant sexual attraction we feel towards a woman is largely based on how she looks. You know as well as I do how it’s possible to feel instantly attracted to a girl simply based on how she looks… without even hearing her utter a single word.

But for women, it just doesn’t work like that.

Their attraction mechanisms are usually triggered by things other than appearance.

So it doesn’t matter if you think you are… too fat and lazy… or too skinny and scrawny… or too old… not rich enough… not good looking enough… or not tall enough…

Because none of those things are necessary for you to create a powerful sexual attraction inside a girl’s mind.

Girls are attracted by far more subtle qualities and traits than good looks. And the Get Her In Bed program is going to show you how you can naturally bring out those qualities and traits that girls are attracted to that already exist within your personality.

Whether you want to get with a girl that you’re friends with… a co-worker… a classmate… a girl in your social circle… a woman you met at a club… or a cute girl you saw sitting across from you at a coffee shop…

Get Her In Bed is going to show you, step-by-step, how you can go from approaching her, to getting her number, to getting her out on a date, to getting her into your bed

The tactics involved in building attraction with a girl are going to differ based on whether she’s a stranger you’re about to approach in a coffee shop, or whether you’ve already known each other for a long time and you’re currently stuck in the friend-zone with her. And the Get Her In Bed program is going to walk you through, step-by-step, the best approach to take to almost every kind of situation imaginable.

But regardless of where your meeting a girl. And regardless of whether you’ve known her your entire life, or she’s a complete stranger. The underlying principles of creating attraction are the same in every situation.

That’s why one of the first things you’ll discover inside the Get Her In Bed program is the 5 Powerful Principles of Attraction

Even if all you took away from the program was these 5 principles of attraction, knowing just these will put you ahead of most other guys out there.

Here’s what one of our member James had to say:

I’ve started following your 5 principles of attraction and I’ve already noticed a major difference in the way women react to me. Women are smiling at me more and holding more eye contact with me when I talk to them. They just seem a whole lot more interested in me. And I’ve also noticed that guys seem to be treating me with more respect which is a nice added bonus.

Get Her In Bed Member

But the 5 Powerful Principles Of Attraction only scratch the surface of what you’ll find in the program.

You’ll also discover:

  • How to deal with a girl, from the first conversation you have with her, right through to the bedroom – Most guys have at least ONE area they are weak in… I explain it all
  • The scientific “hedonic treadmill” method to make a girl more attracted to you, more eager to have sex with you, and more likely to chase after you, by spending LESS time with her
  • The fool-proof way to completely blitz your neediness, which will simultaneously boost your confidence, and make you as charismatic as Casanova himself
  • How you can legally, morally and ethically make a girl positively addicted to you using a sneaky little trick often used by unscrupulous drug dealers
  • The number 1 reason why girls friend-zone guys and how you can avoid being put in the friend-zone by a girl ever again
  • The one thing girls really look for in a guy before falling for him – Hint: It isn’t good looks, money, or even a good sense of humor
  • A scientifically proven method, discovered by Charles Darwin, to make women irresistibly attracted to you on a deep biological level
  • An under the radar way to make a girl think you’ve already got tons of girls already chasing after you (even if you haven’t), and why this will make her infinitely more attracted to you
  • The exact (and only) time you should confess your true feelings to a girl that will make her yours for as long as you want her – Do this at any other time and you could send her running for the hills
  • An incredibly effective psychological “Television Crime Drama” trick that you can use to drive a girl crazy thinking about you when you’re not around – It’s vital that you get a girl thinking about you when you’re not around because this is when her attraction towards you will really start to develop in her mind

And much more, including:

Why you should seldom ever respond to a girls texts right away. Even if you’ve already slept with her… The number 1 reason why relationships emotionally flat-line and die off – Plus, how you can avoid this happening to you… And… The exact 3 words to say to a girl at the very end of a date that can almost guarantee that she’ll be texting you the next again day to schedule another date with you…

Also in the program, you’ll find an entire section dedicated to getting with a girl who is already in your life right now.

In it you’ll discover:

  • The 4 stage “Reversal Attraction Method” that you can use to get any girl who’s in your life right now to sleep with you, even if she’s already put you in the friend-zone and currently has zero sexual attraction for you
  • How to shift the power dynamic in any relationship you have with a girl by “re-writing the rules” so that you’re the one who controls the pace and direction of which the relationship develops
  • 5 incredibly effective playful flirting techniques that you can use on any girl to create an undeniable amount of sexual tension
  • How to flip the script on a girl who is playing mind games with you, and use those same games to make her want you more – (Surprisingly, girls actually love it when you do this)
  • The “mixed messages” technique used by “bad boys” that will drive a girl crazy with curiosity and excitement towards you
  • The correct way to use humor that will create so much sexual tension in her that she can’t help but giggle – Most guys go about using humor the wrong way and end up getting labelled by her as “the funny guy” and not “the guy she wants to fuck”
  • Why most guys shoot themselves in the foot when they give a girl a compliment – You’ll discover the right way to compliment a girl, and the exact time to do it, that’ll make her feel like you’re the only guy in the world that really gets her
  • How to elicit powerful (and sometimes even negative) emotions in a girl that will make her attraction towards you stronger than an NFL lineman
  • The one thing you must do to a girl before she’ll even consider having sex with you – Many guys unknowingly skip this and are then puzzled as to why a girl – who is seemingly into them – won’t sleep with them
  • Word for word – the best text you can send to a girl to get her out on a date with you – So many guys do this wrong and end up missing out on dates, or setting themselves up for a terrible date because of it
  • The best places to take a girl on a first date – and what common first date venues you should avoid like the plague
  • The 4 step first date “formula” that guarantees a great time, and maximises your chances of getting laid
  • The fun and seemingly innocent question game that you can play with a girl to sneakily plant the idea of her having sex with you in the forefront of her mind

And much more, including:

How to double your chances of getting a girl back to your place, by making this one little “excuse”… A quick “eyeball test” you can use to let you know if a girl is ready for you to kiss her yet… And… How to physically escalate with a girl in a way that will make her extremely receptive and welcoming to your sexual advances…

And that’s not all…

Online dating is becoming increasingly prevalent, but most guys who try online dating tend to struggle with actually getting girls out on dates.

That’s why I’ve dedicated an entire section of the Get Her Bed program specifically to online dating

In it, you’ll discover:

  • The online dating method used by an 80lb overweight guy with a disfigured face to have sex with 7 different girls in a single month
  • The quick and easy way to write opening messages that actually get read and responded to, even if you don’t have the best looking profile pictures – Writing messages in this way will make you stand out (in a good way) from 83% of the other guys flooding girl’s inbox’s
  • How to use online dating the right way, that will maximize your results, whilst minimizing the actual amount of time you spend on online dating sites – Most guys give up on online within a month of trying it because they’re using it wrong
  • How to use online to dating to have an active and exciting sex life, even if you live with your parents or with roommates
  • Why you should ignore the advice of so called “Online Dating Guru’s” when they say you should read a girl’s profile before messaging her
  • The psychological reason why putting less information in your dating profile will boost the number of girls you get out on dates
  • The two common types of photo that you should never upload to your dating profile – Using even one of these types of photos can completely ruin your online dating results
  • The bizarre “giraffe angle trick” that can use to instantly make your main profile photo look 10 times better
  • Exactly when you should send a girl your opening message to increase the likelihood that she’ll respond to it – If you don’t send your message during this “prime-time window”, chances are you message will get buried in the bottom of her inbox and never be read
  • A message which I’ll let you steal from me, word-for-word, that works great at quickly moving girls off of dating site messaging and gets them to give you their number – I’ve kept track of my results with this message and it has had an 87% success rate
  • 3 types of girls you’ll want to avoid on online dating sites if you don’t want to have dud dates
  • A reliable approach to spotting and avoiding girls who are “secret internet fatties” – A.K.A girls who try to trick you into thinking they’re slimmer and better looking than they really are
  • The surprising reason why planning a jewellery store heist can help you get laid using online dating – I know this sounds bizarre, but it works like crazy almost every time

And much more, including:

How you can go from getting a girls number, to having a date set up with her, in as little as 2 short texts… What to write on your profile that will magnetically attract the type of girls you’re looking to date, and repel those who are not a good match for you… And… How to use online dating to potentially schedule dates with a different girl every single night of the week, without having to treat online dating like it’s a part time job…

Online dating is a great way to meet new girls… but the “old fashioned” method of approaching a girl and starting a conversation with her still works just as well…

The “old fashioned” method of approaching a girl and starting a conversation with her still works just as well

And the Get Her In Bed program will show you the best way to go about doing so.

In the cold approaching section of the program, you’ll discover:

  • How to start conversations with girls – in coffee shops, bars, at clothing shops, on the street, on public transport, at art galleries or museums and countless more locations – that lead to girls giving you their numbers
  • What 3 text messages to send to girls that quickly turn phone numbers into a dates –(And exactly when to send them)
  • The 3 word phrase you can say at the end of a date which will throw a girl off her game, and leave her craving you
  • How to take interesting things you've done (your accomplishments, hobbies, and experiences) and morph them into “conversational bait” that will make girls intrigued enough to want to go out with you
  • The simple Hollywood storytelling formula that you can use to pull a girl into your world, create an instant connection with her and strengthen her attraction
  • The short phrase you must know if you’re planning on picking up girls at bar whilst rolling solo
  • An insiders secret to how you can get served faster at a busy bar – This little trick continues to work better year after year
  • A simple quick mind trick you can use to stop your brain going to into fight or flight response mode whenever you’re about to approach a girl – Doing this will develop an unshakable inner confidence within you
  • The simple “under the radar” 4 word phrase opener that can be easily adapted to start a conversation with any girl, anywhere, anytime – and how to segue that conversation into a more personal direction where you can get to know the girl on a deeper level
  • Why you should never buy a girl a drink when you first meet her at a bar
  • The 2 extremely common words you should never use when you’re setting up a date – If you say these words to a girl, you can kiss your chances of sleeping with her goodbye
  • The “Flake Proof Text Message” – Sending a girl this text message on the morning of your date will cut down the chances of her flaking on you to almost zero
  • What to talk about in the early stages of your first date with a girl that will make her feel comfortable around you, and allow her to really open up to you
  • 3 ways to tease a girl which will create a strong sexual tension within her mind – This will make her more receptive to your sexual advances and might even cause her to make some aggressive sexual advances of her own
  • An effortless way to handle a girl’s loaded questions and pass every test she throws at you… even if you don’t know you’re being tested – And best of all, you’ll be increasing her attraction and respect towards you every time you do this

And much more, including:

The simple 5 question close routine you can use to seamlessly get the number of almost any girl you’re talking to… How to accurately judge if a girl is going to be receptive to you approaching her… And… A stealthy physiological secret that doubles the chances that a girl will give you her phone number…

In the Get Her In Bed program you’ll also discover exactly what do when you get a girl back to your place, including:

  • The #1 thing you should always do immediately when you get a girl back to your place that will make her feel comfortable and ready to jump your bones
  • How to smoothly transition from undressing a girl to having sex with her
  • A huge mistake many guys make during foreplay that will turn her off of you completely

Once you’ve gone through the Get Her In Bed program, you’ll never feel like you have to settle for a girl ever again.

The Get Her In Bed program is going to give you the power of choice in your relationships

If you don’t like how things are working out with a girl you’re dating, you’re going to have the power to leave her, confidently knowing that you can be sleeping with another girl the next again day (or even the same day)… And you can keep doing this until you find the girl that’s right for you… All while having sex with a whole lot of beautiful women along the way.

Here’s what another couple of members had to say about Get Her In Bed:

Robert sent me an email saying:

Get Her In Bed has really given me the confidence to go out and talk to girls, without feeling shy and nervous about it like I used to.

Get Her In Bed Member

And Allen says:

Until last night I was a 25 year old virgin. Your Get Her In Bed program helped me lose my virginity to a beautiful 23 year old brunette

Get Her In Bed Member

The great thing about the Get Her In Bed program is that you don’t have to wait around for it to arrive via snail mail… because you can get instant digital access to it right now and immediately start discovering the secrets to success with women today.

The Get Her In Bed program is hosted on our exclusive members only website that you’ll be able to access anytime from your PC, laptop or smartphone.

You’re probably wondering right about now, what’s the price for the full Get Her In Bed program?

Let’s face it.

Personal consulting in my line of work isn’t cheap. It would cost you up to $3,000 if I were to teach you, one-on-one, everything you’ll learn in this program.

But you’re not going to pay anywhere close to that much…

Considering the amount of time this program will save you in discovering what took me years to learn on my own… and the amount of money you’ll end up saving on expensive dates that would have led to nothing… and not to mention the embarrassment and the psychological cost that failing with girls can have on your self-esteem…

What do you think a fair price would be?

$595 would be more than fair, considering all the exclusive bonuses I’m about to give you…

But you’re not going to pay $595…

You won’t pay $295 either…

You’re not even going to pay $149…

If you order today, using the link below, you’ll get lifetime access to the entire Get Her In Bed program, plus the 5 additional exclusive bonuses that I’m about to show you, for a one-time payment of only $79.95!

And because I’m so confident that you’re going to love the program and get great results from it, I’m going to make your decision to order really simple.


I'm going to take on 100% of the risk off of your shoulders by offering you a 60 day - 100% - no questions asked - money back guarantee.

Give the program a try today. Put it to the test. See how well it works for you.

And if for any reason you're not completely satisfied with the Get Her In Bed program, simply contact me within 60 days of ordering the program, and I'll refund you every single cent of your money back.

And you can keep all of the bonuses just for giving the program a shot!

What you’ll discover in this program is what’s getting guys like you the results they want with women, right now.

But the thing is, I don’t want too many guys knowing these secrets and creating too much competition for myself, and the other guys using the program.

For that reason, I can’t guarantee that the Get Her In Bed program is going to stay at such a low price for long… So the only way to ensure you pay just $79.95 for this program is to order today by clicking the “Click To Order Now” button below:

Here’s what another member, John, had to say about the program:

I love the way you break everything down and make it very simple to understand and follow… in the time I’ve been writing this email to you I’ve gotten 2 new messages on my phone from girls I’ve been talking to. Just took a peak at the messages and one of the girls has sent a picture of her in some sexy underwear! Damn!!!”

Get Her In Bed Member

If you order today you’ll also get access to these 5 exclusive bonuses

These bonuses aren’t available for sale anywhere else (nor will they ever be)

Here’s the bonuses:

How To Fuck Her Properly

If you’ve ever had any niggling doubts about your sexual ability, or if you just want to start enjoying better sex, you’ll want be sure to check out this special bonus report – How To Fuck Her Properly

In it you’ll discover:

  • The shocking truth about what really turns women on sexually… and why most men leave women feeling unsatisfied
  • A complete guide to talking dirty – Make her wet and horny using only your voice and words
  • How to deal with cumming too quickly in a way that will actually turn your girl on – And how to eradicate premature ejaculation altogether if you find it’s a recurring problem
  • How to give a girl multiple orgasms – This technique is very easy to learn and works on almost every single girl, no matter how much she struggles with having orgasms

And much more…

Signs Of Interest

In this bonus report, you’ll discover:

  • How to accurately read and decode both the verbal, and non-verbal signals a girl is sending you
  • How to tell if a girl secretly hoping that you’ll approach her
  • How to tell whether a girl you’ve just started talking to is actually interested in you
  • How to tell if a girl you’re dating has lost interest in you and what you can do about it

And much more…

Kill Your Inner Nice Guy

In this bonus report, you’ll discover:

  • What’s so bad about being a “nice guy”, and why it’s killing your chances with women
  • The 4 tell-tale signs that you’re a nice guy
  • And the cure for “nice guy syndrome” that doesn’t involve being a complete asshole

How To Get Rid Of Your Approach Anxiety For Good

In this bonus report you’ll discover:

  • The deep-rooted genetic reason behind the fear of approaching beautiful women
  • A fool-proof method of getting over your fear of approaching girls for good

Breaking Up Mini Report

When you start having success with the Get Her In Bed system, you’re going to have so many dating options, that sooner or later, you’re probably going to want to break up with a girl.

The Breaking Up Mini Report will show you the right way to do just that.

In it you’ll discover:

  • The 4 step method to break up with a girl, that will ensure minimal drama and nice clean break
  • How to react when a girl breaks up with you, that will leave her questioning herself whether she made the right decision

If you order today, you can get lifetime access to the entire Get Her In Bed program, plus these 5 additional bonuses for a one-time payment of just $79.95. Fully guaranteed for 60 days.

So if you want to start dating, and sleeping with the girls you want… and not the ones you have to settle for… Then click the button below that says “Click To Order Now”

After clicking the “Click To Order Now” button, you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page, and you’ll be confident that your data is private and guaranteed secure by McAfee, and Verisign, with 128 bit encryption.

Billing is completely discreet and the charge will show up on your statement as “CLICKBANK”.

Within just a couple short minutes after entering your payment details, you’ll have complete access to the entire Get Her In Bed program, along with all of your bonuses. So you’ll be able to start going through the program right away, and start discovering the secrets to your future success with women.

So you’ve got a decision to make...

You can choose to do nothing and continue to struggle with girls as you try to work things out by yourself…


You can choose to take action right now, and get access to a proven program that’s already getting guys like you amazing results…

You can choose to take control of your dating life and become an expert at attracting and seducing girls…

You can choose to change your life… and in a month’s time find yourself waking up next to a beautiful girl that you’ve just had sex with…

So what’s it going to be?

Here’s what another member, Aaron had to say:

Your program helped me fix my overall mindset towards women. I’ve been on dates with 10 different girls so far and had sex with 4 of them! Thanks to your program I’ve had sex with more girls in the last 2 months than I have had in the past 2 and half decades of my life

Get Her In Bed Member

Just imagine how much easier – and how much better – your life would be if you knew exactly what to do, and what to say, to a girl, at every stage of your interaction with her, that would make her irresistibly attracted to you.

Well the Get Her In Bed Program will show you how to do just that.

Just click the “Click To Order Now” button below to get started.

Here’s what another member, Gary, had to say:

I’m pleasantly surprised at how well your program works. I thought that at 42 I was perhaps too old for the whole dating malarkey… But after going through your program, I’ve developed a whole new level of confidence and charisma. There’s one women I’m seeing at the moment who I’m really hitting things off with, and she’s a good 10 years younger than I am. I would have never thought such a situation would have been possible for me to achieve without the knowledge you’ve shared through your program.

Get Her In Bed Member

Remember. I’m taking 100% of the risk off of your shoulders.

Order and try the Get Her In Bed program today, and if you’re not completely satisfied with the program within 60 days of orders, I’ll give you all of your money back, no questions asked.

So what are you waiting for?

Take action today and click the “Click To Order Now” button below:

To your success,

Vince Sutherland

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Get Her In Bed program a physical product/book?

No. The Get Her In Bed program is only available online and can be accessed through the private membership site from your laptop, pc, smartphone or tablet.

The program is available in both written and audio form to suit your preference.

Members of the program also have access to the 5 exclusive PDF bonus reports. These can either be viewed from within your internet browser, or downloaded and viewed using a PDF reader.

Will this work for me if I live in Eastern Europe, Canada, South America, Africa etc.?

The short answer: Yes, it absolutely will.

The slightly longer answer: There are many cultural differences when it comes to dating throughout the world. This means that the best tactics to use to get a girl are going to differ slightly from place to place.

However, the underlying principles of human psychology and how attraction develops in the brain is universal – whether you’re trying to get with some beach babe from Brazil, or some Eskimo chick from the North Pole.

The Get Her Bed program heavily focusses on teaching you these core attraction principles that are going to work for you, regardless of where you live in the world.

The program does delve into some specific tactics as well, but because you’re going to understand the core principles behind these tactics, you’re going to be able to easily tweak them to suit the dating culture where you live.

I’m overweight / I’m ugly. Will the Get Her In Bed program still work for me?


As I mentioned earlier, women aren’t primarily attracted to good looks.

Appearance plays a much smaller role in the development of an attraction in a women’s mind, than it does for us guys.

I’m not saying that how you look, or how much your weigh doesn’t play any role in what women find attractive. Because it does to a lesser extent. And a good looking guy is going to have to put in a lot less effort than an ugly guy would to get the same results with women.

However, there are far more important factors that go into creating an attraction in the female mind than appearance. And the Get Her In Bed program is heavily focussed on helping to bring out those qualities in your own personality.

So regardless of what you look like, the Get Her In Bed program is going to vastly improve the results you get with women.

Will this program work for me if I’m over 40?

Yes. Regardless of what age you are, the underlying principles of how attraction develops are the exact same. Once you learn these principles for yourself and start applying them, you are going to start seeing success with this program.

Now, I can’t promise you that upon applying these you’re going to be able to start sleeping with girls half your age (although that is certainly possible in some circumstances) – but I can promise you that you’ll undoubtedly see a significant improvement in your dating life.

Is this program going to cost me money every month?

No. This is a one-time payment deal.

Your one-time payment will give you unlimited access to the full Get Her In Bed program for life.

Upon ordering the program, you have up to 60 days to try out the program, and if you’re not completely satisfied with the program, just send me an email saying so and I’ll refund you 100% of your money back.

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